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Feeling a little overwhelmed by the state of your drains?

We'd like to put your mind at rest. Our friendly office team and trained operatives are very good at getting to the bottom of the problem, so to speak, so if you are unsure what is wrong with your drains, give us a call on 0800 181 684, and we will help you find the solution that's right for you.

If you know what the problem is, and are looking for more information about it, then try the following links to get you there faster:- 
Blocked drain clearance
Private sewage systems
Main drain connections
For emergency drainage assistance please call 0800 181 684

Don’t delay we can help you today!

Call 0800 181 684 or email for all your drainage needs.

We cover Surrey, Berkshire, Hampshire, West Sussex and South West London.

See the map on our 'areas covered page' and use our postcode checker.

Our operatives are based across 5 counties and can get to you in a hurry!

Need help with drainage?

contact ASL to help you with your drainage
Send us the details below and we'll get you booked in right away.

Site postcode
Do you have a private sewage system?

(e.g. a cesspit, septic tank or treatment plant)

Your message
Are you happy for us to contact you with information in the future?